→ Circulation Desk →
The invoice page of library module will let you to create and generate invoices for issuing and selling books to the subscribed user of your library.
The add new button given in the page will take you to another page where you can create invoices for various particulars and print icon in action tab enables you to generate invoice receipt.
Here you have to add date of invoice with due date of fee payment and invoice number.
The invoice to option will let you select name of the recipient whom you are issuing invoice.
From particular name you can add particular for fee payment by user to the library and then add amount of payment.
Now you have click on add button and then save it from save button as shown in the screen shot. You can also delete the invoice particular from the invoice receipt, if required.
After creating the invoice for the buyer of the books of your library you can generate it from print icon as stated above in (point 2).