There are 2 processes for creating logins for staff. One is for the staff that is already there in the system and the other while adding a new staff. While adding a new staff the process is as follows - 

Go to --> HR Module --> Add New Staff 

When adding a new staff there is a checkbox for creating login

Select that check box. Then -

1. Go to HR Module –> Staff –> Logins 
2. By clicking on the grey star the login can be created immediately for those whose login is not yet created and email will go automatically to the user. (make sure that users email is entered correctly into the system)

3. There is multiple select section by this we can create / delete  multiple logins.

  • Green star sign shows users login is active.
  • Red star sign shows users login is inactive or disbled. 
  • Grey star means that no login has been created

From the same page using the following process you can reset or send password to the user's login

  • First icon is for sending the existing password on email. 
  • Second is for resetting the password. This will not send any email.
  • Third is for resetting the password and sending the email to the user.
  • Fourth one is to delete / cancel the login 

Multiple Select

From the grid we can select multiple user's by the check boxes and Activate / Deactivate / Delete / Send Password / Reset Password / Reset Password and email / Create login all of them at once

When a login is created from here then by default the staff login module is assigned to them. To give them further permission or access to other modules Click Here