→ Database →
From this page you can view the list of books and their available stock in the database of the library of your institute. This page will let you to add new books in the library collections and edit the details of existing books in the catalogue.
The add new button enables you to add new books in the stock and edit icon in the action tab will let you to edit the details of existing books.
While filling the required details for the acquisition of book in the catalogue of library, If the recipients are not available in the drop down list you can add it from plus icon given adjacent to their respective field.
The page will automatically generate the book ID, so you have to fill all the relevant details given below the book ID option.
Add title and author of the book, here you can add multiple author from the drop down list.
Here you can import the details of books available online with their ISBN number, you only have to add ISBN number of the book and click on get details button then it will automatically import all the details of the book which you can save in the catalogues of your library database.
If the content of book is been taken from some other sources then in that case you can add their name in the contributor option.
From book format option you can select the format in which book is available in the database of library.
Select subject, language and publisher of the book from their respective field.
You can also add other details such as editor, total number of pages, series, category and abstract of the book and upload the image of the book or its cover page.
From online URL you can add the URL address of the book which make it easy for user to access the book if it is not available in the catalogue.
Saving the book details will take you to purchase details page where you can add the purchase details of particular book.
You can also generate the bar code for the book and print the details of the book from their respective button given in the top right of the page.
For adding the purchase details of new book, you have to click on add new button and it will take you to purchase form where you have to fill all the required details.
Add accession number of book with its quantity, date of purchasing and other details.
If you also purchasing the online edition of the book then you have to check into the e-book option else you can continue with the default option.
Then click to save purchasing details of the book from save button below.
The accessories page will let you to save format for the books in which book can be available in the database of the library, it can be available in CDs , DVD's or other supplements.