This option enables you to send messages to staff who are teaching in your cohorts.

click on the compose message link from the message icon on the top right.

  • Sending messages to all the facilitators of particular department.

  • Sending messages to one staff or more than one facilitators.

  1. For sending messages to all the facilitators of any particular department then select related department.

  2. If you want to send messages to some facilitators, then you can select their names from drop down menu. You can select multiple recipients.

  3. Select department (optional) to send message department-wise.

  4. Now select staff. You can also send message to multiple recipients at the same time.

2. Composition message

  • Enter subject-line of the message.

  • In the message body, write the message.

  • If you want to the message on their emails also apart from the message in the admin portal, select the send on email checkbox.

  • You can also attach relevant documents and files.( if any)

  • Then click to submit button.

If the send on email message box is checked then the full message goes on their email also. However if this check box is not selected then just a notification email goes that a new message has been posted on the admin portal.