How to add new assignment receipt ?

From cohort menu of registry module, you can add new assignment receipt. Given below is the process to follow for adding receipt of assignment.

Registry → Cohorts → Assignments

  • First select assignment option from cohorts to view assignment list then click to add new button to add new assignment.

  • Now youneed to select program name, cohort name, modules and staff name from the list.

  • Add assignment name or number which would help you for indexing the assignment.

  • Put deadline date or last date of submission.

  • You can give some remark about the assignments done by the students.

  • After making above entries you are enabled to view the list of students enrolled to that particular program or cohort.

  • Suppose if you want to add assignment status of particular student, click to the checkbox.

  • Then enter submission date receipt number(mandatory) and give remark to their assignments.