Master menu of registry module enables you to add new program into the system, from the same path you can also add modules, electives and fee category to the program.
Registry Module → Masters → Programs
Add new program through add new button. Add modules, elective groups and fee category from edit icon.
For adding new program, follow the procedure-
Select program type or course type from the list, you can also add new program type from plus button.
Put program name and its code name or short name which would help at the time of examination.
Enter duration of program and its credit.
Then you need to select time table type and attendance type, both the fields are mandatory to fill while adding new program.
If the schedule of the program is for a particular time period (suppose from 10th date to 20th date of month) then set date wise, and if it is scheduled for day wise (like Monday – Friday) then select day wise.
To mark individual attendance for multiple modules, select module wise. When you select day wise, you can mark only one attendance for whole day.
You can also add some remark to it then click to save program details.
For adding modules, click on the modules tab and then follow the steps-
In the module list page, click to add new button.
Enter module name and module code.
Now if you wish to set your module as elective subject, click to yes and add or select its group name.
Define whether it is an theoretical subject or practical.
Add module duration and other details then click to save information.
For adding Elective groups-
Select Elective group tab
Click on Add New
Add Elective group name
Now click to save group
For adding Fee category to the program -
Similar to above you can add fee category to the program.
Click add new button, enter category name.
Put due date of fee submission and give some description.
Now you can save it.