Registry Module → Masters
Masters in registry module enable you to create, add and export masters of course programs, fee categories for these course programs, companies or clients, buildings, students categories, class type, program type etc. While working on the masters start from the reverse of the entries mentioned on this page. That is start by adding buildings and rooms in the institute.
Registry Module --> Masters --> Programs --> Add New
Program page of registry modules is for adding and updating course programs in the system. Here you can add duration of program session, assign credit hours for it and set any program as fee category. (Fees can be charged on any program individually). On the same page you can select the time table type and the attendance type. Time table for that program can be entered day wise meaning that the same will run for all the coming weeks or it can be entered date wise meaning that it will be different for all days. In the same way attendance type can be selected as day wise or module wise. In the day wise the attendance is marked only once a day while in the module wise it is marked for all the subject classes held.- Add Modules / Subjects
Registry Module --> Masters --> Edit Program --> Module Tab --> Add New
From here you can add the module / subject name and subject code which are mandatory fields. Apart from that these subjects can be classified term / semester wise. They can further be defined as core subjects or electives. For setting them as elective you need to add an elective group. Further you can also define the credit hours or credit points for that subject along with the duration and the maximum weekly classes. If you charge students on subject wise than select the text box of add as fees particular. Fee Category
Registry Module --> Masters --> Fees SetupThis page will let you to add fee categories based on various course program offered by the university with their due dates and particular program.
Registry Module --> Masters --> Companies --> Add NewFrom here you can add companies or clients contact details in the database of your system with the name of their organization, designation address and contact person. These are used for invoicing incase they sponsor any student and the students invoice has to be created in their name.
From this page you can create masters for numbering format and styles, you can add them for generating invoices and enrollment of the students.
Program Type
This page is for adding masters of program type of above created academics or non-academics programs, they may be any health-care camp or program, local bridging courses and industrial plotting.
Class Type
From here you can add master for class type or session type of cohorts or any course programs. It can be revision class, seminars, workshops, supplementary class, project preparing class according to which time-table of any cohort or module can be prepared.
Student Category
Student category page of registry module is for creating categories of students enrolled to the university.
Registry Module --> Masters --> BuildingsThis page is for adding buildings, floors and rooms. Here you can add master of academic buildings, seminar halls, hostel buildings and other external venues in the campus of university.